Vomiturition - Head Tales

The symbiosis of organics
A reli from time before chronologies
This supremacy of homo sapiens
Among each other, over the food chaind

Every head has a tale
Some of them sparkle, some are just pale.
Only one thing seems to be the same:
Only obsession to quiet all other tales!

Social Acceptance
The survival code of our time. How to survive
When all life has been killed or is going to die?

No feelings, no sympathy or mercy
Only Economy, greedness and efficiency

The race to reach huge amounts of currencies
Senseless competition over selfish benefits

[lead: Hannuksela]

Evolutions dreadful mistake
A being who's able to hate
Fortunetely it's going to vanish
By deeds of it's own hands

Every head has a tale;
Some of them sparkle, some are just pale.
Only one thing seems to be the same:
Only obsession to quiet all other tales!

Social Acceptance
The survival code of our time. How to survive
When all life has been killed or is going to die?